
Portfolio of projects

Over my last year in the Western Washington University Marketing Program, I've worked on many different projects. Here are some examples of the projects I've been a part of:

Personal Brand Creative Strategy

I created an entire layout and plan for the creation of my own personal brand. This included things like:
- Brand Purpose - My Brand Values - Positioning Statement - Marketing Mix - Potential Marketing Objectives - Wireframe for this website - Creative Message Strategy Methods - Brand Elements - Sample Content Creative Executions. This Creative Strategy was the building block and the base for the entire creation of this website. I integrated many things learned from my IMC class into my creative strategy. The informative, engaging class lectures and helpful resources on Canvas were critical to applying our knowledge of class concepts to this creative strategy.

Marketing By The Minute Pre-Production Packages

My Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) team and I worked together to create pre-production packages (PPP's) for each of our long-form videos we filmed for this class. The PPP features things like: - Foolscap method (act 1, 2, 3, hero & villain, narrative, theme) - Storyboard for how our videos would be made - Time Script - Logline - Location planning - Production Calendar

Marketing By The Minute: What Comes Next? Long Form Videos

My IMC team and I worked together to create 3 different long-form video interviews where we asked different people from the WWU marketing program (post-graduation and students about to graduate) for their advice on what to do to prepare for graduating and how to be prepared for life after college. These videos were targeted towards students who were near graduation in the marketing field and were unsure of what their plan is after graduation. The third video we made featured myself being interviewed, which was especially fun. Check out the video on YouTube here

Analysis on The Evolution of Tipping

My marketing team in my People & Money Behavioral Psychology class at WWU worked together to present an analysis on the evolution of tipping, especially as of recently after the COVID-19 Pandemic. We incorporated class engagement and mentioned how tipping has become much more prevalent in today's market.

Marvel Cinematic Universe Analysis

My Marketing Branding & Positioning Strategy Capstone group worked together to create an in-depth situation analysis of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This analysis received the highest grade in the class. It covers things like: - Marvel movies after Phase 3 dropping in positive reception - All of the different movies and actors - 5 forces analysis - Industry background - Market review - Firm review - SWOT analysis - Core Competencies - 3 circle targeting

Marketing Research Auto Concepts Segmentation Analysis

My Marketing Research team and I worked together to create a segmentation analysis of "Auto Concepts" Using multiple regression and SPSS. This segmentation analysis looks at the desirability factors of five distinct vehicle models from Auto Concepts. Our focus was to identify the variables that define the target market for the individual vehicles. We used a multiple regression model to evaluate attitude and demographic variables along with gender and marital status for each vehicle.

Living Pantry Consumer Analysis

My Consumer Behavior Class created a consumer analysis for our class client, a refillable container store called Living Pantry. The purpose of this research report was to gain comprehensive knowledge about consumer behavior, decision making, and characteristics of the natural goods market and those who attend refillery stores. We were analyzing purchase/visit frequency and size, purchase triggers and loyalty/switching behaviors, compliments and substitutes, buying patterns in the category, attitudes in the category, and decision making factors.

L'Experience Market Potential Analysis

My Marketing Research Team created This report. It dives into understanding L'Experience’s target market. We used Bivariate Correlations and Cross-tabulations with Chi-squared tests to compare variables including: Comparing Menu, Decor, and Atmosphere with the preference of driving less than 30 minutes to get to the restaurant, Age preference for unusual desserts, Probable patrons & Not probable patrons, and Proper advertising mediums to use. From there, we gained insight into L’Experience’s target market. We identified the null and alternate hypothesis as well.